Where is Tuva?
Tuva or Bust!

Tuva StampOne of Richard Feynman's hobbies was collecting stamps. A series of stamps that was widely collected in the 1930's was a 1936 series of triangular and diamond-shaped stamps celebrating the fifteenth birthday of Tuva as an autnomous region. These stamps depicted the lives and history of the Tuvan people, who live primarily as shepherds.

Tuva StampAfter Tuva was assimilated by the Soviet Union in 1944, little was heard about it in the Western World. In fact, Tuva no longer appears on many maps, except as a region within Russia. However, a few people remembered the 1936 stamp release. One of them was Richard Feynman. An account of his famous dinner conversation with Ralph Leighton is recorded in this excerpt from Tuva or Bust!. From this dinner conversation, Richard Feynman and his friends founded the Friends of Tuva, a group dedicated to learning and sharing knowledge about Tuva. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, cultural exchange between America and Tuva has become possible and the Friends of Tuva have become devoted to the preservation and study of Tuvan Culture.

Tuva Stamp One of the unique features of Tuvan culture that was brought to the attention of the Westen World by the Friends of Tuva is a style of singing called "hoomei" or throat-singing. This rare musical form is performed when the singer tightens the muscles of the throat, screening out most of the harmonics of the voice. The effect is that a singer may sing 2 to 4 notes simultaneously. Thanks in large part to Richard Feynman, this music is now available in the West.

Tuva Stamp In 1995, the Tuvan parliament issued a proclaimation noting Feynman's contributions to making Tuva better known to the world. That year a Tuvan shaman and throatsinger came to Pasadena, California to perform a chant honoring Richard Feynman and the Friends of Tuva. Here is what he sang:

I am doing this chant in the style of a Kalzang shaman
To summon the spirit of Richard Feynman.
In the center of the city of Pasadena.
In the land of America is an organization, Friends of Tuva,
Organized in honor of Richard Feynman by his friends
Because he wanted to share his enthusiam for tuvan culture.
Because of that, on behalf of my people, I offer this shamanic ritual in return.

Oh! Hail!
You lived to an old age, and you spoke sincere words.
You spoke from your soul.
Your children, your heirs, have grown
And they will live a long time.

Oh! Hail!
Your breath of life did not end;
It will continue in the heavens.
It will not be boring for you,
As there, too, you will be busy.
To hell you will not go.

Oh! Hail!
Those who did good go to heaven;
Those who did bad go to hell.
You did everything honestly, from your soul
To hell you will not go.

Oh! Hail, Friend Richard Feynman!
Your life will continue in the heavens.
It will not be boring for you,
As there, too, you will resume you doings
You will be busy and active there.

You never were malicious towards your people and your friends.
You will not go to hell.
In heaven you will live freely and at peace
I wish, I hope,
That you sense our gratitude from the soul of our people.

In the high tower in the center of Pasadena
Was read this shamanic ritual in the style of a Kalfang shaman
On August 1, 1995 by Kongar-ool Ondar.